Monday, March 17, 2014

Feeder Matrix ~ Legitimate Company or Scam???

As I've said before, I'm here to help you avoid scams as well as help you to find work at home opportunities. Well, here is one that I felt like deserved a pass along. 


What is Feeder Matrix?

What does that mean? It means that there are four levels, on the first level there are 4 persons, on the second level there are 16 persons, on the third level there are 64 persons and on the last level there are 256 persons. (Each level is the previous level, multiplied by 4).

This is really an easy to fill matrix because it has only 4 levels. There is a huge spillover and spillunder in this matrix. What does that mean? The sooner you enter the more and the faster you will earn.

How can you earn with Feeder Matrix?

Feeder Matrix has a really small start-up fee. I mean a really, really small start-up fee. It’s really good for beginners because of the small start-up fee and because it’s only a 4x4 matrix which offers you guaranteed earnings. As they say "If you can't earn here, nowhere can you." And in my opinion, this is true. I’m not a newbie to Network Marketing, but I am a newbie to Network Marketing that actually works and this program actually works! The one thing that I learned is that those programs that require a $50+ joining fee just don't grow so fast. Reason being? People are trying to make money and when the start-up costs are high, they have a negative view on parting with that cost. There is always something that start-up cost can cover, such as cell phone bills or a tank of gas. Then to top it off, these programs ask for you to pay every month in order to remain an active member whether you earn or don’t earn. Well, the good thing about Feeder Matrix is that there is only a one-time payment from your pocket and it is only $1.75. Each and every time you move up to the next level, you are just reinvesting the profits you already made from that initial $.175. I seriously doubt someone will have a hard time finding 7 quarters and the best thing is that there are no monthly membership costs. None, zip, zilch, nada…you pay just $1.75 once from your pocket and build your business from that. And to top it off, payments are instantly sent directly to your PayPal or Solid Trust Pay account, so the company never touches a dime of YOUR money.


How much can you earn with Feeder Matrix?

Give $1.75 - Get $7
Reinvest $5 - Get $80
Reinvest $10 - Get $640
Reinvest $20 - Get $5,120
Reinvest $40 - Get $160
Reinvest $80 - Get $1,280
Reinvest $160 - Get $10,240
Reinvest $320 - Get $81,920

All it takes is $1.75 and 4 like-minded friends or family members. So, tell me again why you wouldn’t do this? Right, that’s what I said.

So, if you like what you read and wish to join my Feeder Matrix team, fill out the form below. And if you still have question, don’t hesitate to e mail me at

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