Friday, April 11, 2014

Finding Your Niche in The Work At Home Industry

Alright, so you know you want to work at home, but you’re not sure what you want to do? Happens to us all, no worries. Here are a few "Finding Your Niche Resources" for free aptitude, career and personality tests. Hop on the train today and find your dream work at home career by using the resources and articles below.

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Finding Your Niche Resources:

Analyze My Career offers a variety of aptitude, personality and career tests. Sign up for their free newsletter. offers a free career assessment test.

Career Fitter lets you test your career personality and find career research on hundreds of careers. Career test is $9.95 or Career test with career research is $19.95. This site offers a money back guarantee.

Career Maze gives you a detailed report on what your career strengths and weakness are. The cost is $19.95 and is backed by the BBB.

Career Networking Pro provides you with a structured process that gets you in front of key hiring authorities. Cost $1875.00 can pay in three installments. Career Networking Pro is accredited by the BBB. Check out their free career networking assessment.

Career Shifters is a service that offers advice, inspiration and resources for those who are looking to make a career change. Sign up for their free newsletter.

Changing Course is an inspirational site that wants you to “work at what you love”. They offer cool business ideas & money making opportunities, articles, workshops and tele-classes. Sign up for a free copy of, “How to Work When, Where, and How You Want”.

Follow Your True Colors offers a personality quiz to find the work you love. Sign up for their free newsletter.

Live Career offers free career testing.

Personality offers a free personality type quiz – once you know your personality type you can map out your dream, work at home career.

Project Career offers free career testing, information on jobs, education, loans and scholarships.

The Free Career Test offers a free career test with analysis.

The Oxford Program offers counseling, guidance and resources so that you can find the career you love. Take their free True Work Personality quiz. The Oxford Program is a member of the BBB.

Good luck and do leave a comment or question below!

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