Thursday, March 13, 2014

Work At Home Scams

In today's day and age many people are looking to make money from home, especially moms and dads who want to be there fr every moment of their little one's lives. And you know what, who wouldn't want this? Who wouldn't want to the freedom of waking up when they choose, working in their PJ's and watching daytime soaps, preferably The Young and the Restless, while raking in the dough at their kitchen table? I WOULD!!!

But, let's be realistic here, for every legitimate work at home opportunity, there are literally 10,000+ out there that are scams. So, how does one curb that? How do we manage to avoid the scams and find the real work from home jobs or low start up business opportunities with decent income potential? I'll tell you how, we research our fingers to the bone for six months until we find the one, right?! Heck no! What we do is we learn what opportunities are being used as scams and we avoid, avoid, avoid! And we research those opportunities that aren't being used as scams. So, let's take a look at how we can tell if a company is trying to rip us off or not...

I hope this helps and don't forget to check back often for more tips, scams and real work from home opportunities.

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